Okay, so I am going to call this a long weekend as these things started on Thursday. However, some of them too funny to let pass by!
So, Abi and I went for a walk to go see the duckies. When daddy got home I said, “Tell daddy how many duckies you saw!” Daddy asked her, “How many duckies did you see?” She then leaned over and gave him a kiss. Because it was funny, daddy asked again, and again, and again, and again…. I think you get the picture. Yes, every time daddy asked the question, he got kisses! I wanted to get some kisses too, so I asked Abi the same question. She leaned over and gave DADDY kisses! Hmmm… maybe I will try later. So I did. I made sure daddy was way on the other side of the room when I asked. She actually ran to the other side of the room to give daddy kisses! No kisses for mommy. However, if I ask when no one else is around, I get kisses. :) She is something!
Next, all three of us went for a walk to see what else but the duckies. To keep things simple right now, all the hundreds of geese who are taking over our little lakes (they are really ponds) are also known as duckies. They happened to feel like crossing the street, so naturally cars have to stop and wait…. and wait. No, they are not what you call “birds on a mission.” The first car in line was honking trying to get them to move faster, but no luck. He actually jumped out of his car, cell phone still to the ear, and ran after them yelling, “get out of the road you crazy geese!” They all went running and everyone was on their way. Too funny! Oh to have had the video camera!
This next one was not funny, but kind. As Abi and I were returning from a walk, we heard sirens. Abi whipped her head around and was looking to see what the noise was. We waited at the end of the driveway so that we could see and a fire truck was coming over the hill and headed in our direction. When I saw that he was coming right by us, I started backing down into the driveway a little as the sirens are very loud and I didn’t want it to scare Abi when it went by so close. The fireman saw me and turned the siren off as he passed my house, waiting to turn it back on until he had reached the cross street just past our house. Even as he is rushing to help someone in need, he was still aware of his surroundings and responded with such quick kindness!
Okay, back to funny. Abi LOVES to ride in daddy's truck. Whenever we are outside she points to the truck and wants to go for a ride. Today, Mark was cleaning out the bed of the truck, so we weren’t going anywhere. That did not stop Abi from wanting to at least sit in her car seat in the truck! Yes, I put her up in the seat and she watched daddy clean out the bed of the truck. It took her wanting milk to get her out of the truck. She cracks me up! And yes, I sat with her, rear-facing as well, and watched the waterworks.
Abi started blowing kisses this weekend! So cute and she is so proud of herself every time she does that and anything new :)
I will end with this. Abi has been surprising us with signs that she hasn’t done before. We are teaching her some basic sign language to help bridge the gap between her knowing what she wants and actually being able to speak her needs. The first of the newer signs was for “more.” So exciting! The only problem is that sometimes, like tonight, she finds something, eats it and then asks for more. Fortunately it was a cheerio that has gone overboard (they are all over!). Cheerios are always a good guess! The most recent was just a little bit ago. You may wonder why I have all this time to write all of this in one sitting! A whole new entry along with finishing one I started last week. Well, that is because at 7:30 p.m. tonight, Abi pointed upstairs. We have relocated the play room, so I wasn’t sure if she wanted to play or go night night. I asked her both verbally and with signs if she wanted to play or go night night, and she did the sign for night night! Both Mark and I were floored as I have not done the sign very much and she has never shown signs of picking it up. She was asleep before I sat down to rock her. For those of you wondering why the time is so shocking, it’s because she normally goes to bed between 9 and 9:30 p.m. (at least the past few nights). Anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. is the norm. Looks like an early morning!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Funny Weekend Isms
Posted by Carrie at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Little Helper
Hello! It's been a while since I have popped in. I have so many stories to tell, but every time I start to type Abi pushes her way between me and the counter, starts pulling on my pants and whining!! She is teething .....
On the upside, she does love to help around the house. She is a copycat, so she likes to do what everyone else is doing. She loves to help cook in the kitchen:

Concentration before the cooking begins, please.....

Okay, not exactly in the kitchen, but you can sample your food anywhere, right? Have pot, will travel!
She is also a BIG help with the laundry:

Yes, she is a daddy's girl, but mommy's little helper :)
Posted by Carrie at 7:34 AM 0 comments
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