The Jewelry Buzz

Friday, April 24, 2009

Anyone Still Out There? It's Been a While.....

Well, I'm back!  It has been quite some time.  The girls are getting so big!  Amanda just celebrated her 1st birthday and Abi thinks she just had another as well - every time someone has a birthday, Abi insists that it is also her birthday.  I am certain that by her calculations she is now nearing her driver's permit.  However, by accurate calculations put her at 2 1/2.  It is very hard to believe that a year ago Amanda entered the world just 5 pounds, 6 ounces and 17 1/2 inches long.  Now she is 18 pounds and 29 inches.  It amazes me how precious little beings become so big so fast.  

Abi has now decided that she wants to take showers instead of tubbies (baths).  Tonight, she told Mark to get out so she could do it herself.  She danced and sang in what she called "the rain."  It is a larger shower stall (no bathtub) so she had room to do it.  We couldn't get her out!  When we asked her the other day how old she would be on her next birthday her response was, "older."  No joke!  When asked whether she would like a hat or a bow her answer is, "I don't know but I'm about to find out!"  She has really started speaking in some very long, correct sentences.  She is little Miss Manners when she really puts her mind to it (or rather when she doesn't think and just speaks).  She really is a very happy, well-behaved child.  Don't get me wrong - she has her moments.  Sometimes hours.  The kind of moments that make you wish you were the one in the Calgon commercials enjoying the relaxing bath in the enormous spa tub.  However, her endearing moments far outweigh any of those.  Her smile is enough to brighten anyone's day.  She has such a sense of humor.... along with being a drama queen.  I know most of you are thinking, "wow - she gets that from Carrie."  I won't deny that, but Mark has his fair share of moments too! ;)   She loves to be outdoors, play instruments (yes, she has a tally on all the instruments she has verses those she does not yet have), play "soccer" (code for "anything that requires a ball larger than a baseball"), Dancing With the Stars, American Idol, dogs, swimming.... pretty much anything she comes across in life.  It is refreshing to stop and think of life through her eyes.  Everything is fresh, new, fun, exciting and even errands are full of adventure.  She loves going to the library and picking out books - we read them until she has them memorized.  I can't wait to start teaching her how to read!  Yes, I have ordered a homeschool program to get her started.  She is excited for it to come!  What a joy she is.  So full of life...

And Amanda - also so full of life.  She is a very good child as well, yet slightly more challenging than Abi ever was.  She has no fear and doesn't like to be told "no" to something.  She will keep on until you have to remove her, thus causing a scream which comes from her toes and slowly works its way all the way up to the top of her head and exiting through her little mouth!  Yes, she has my temper.  And Mark's sense of adventure.  She loves to kick a ball, or balloon, or whatever happens to be in her path.  I think she has been kicking balls (and very well I might add) since she was about 5 months or so.  She has recently started singing all the time (her new favorite song is "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes"), dancing, loves reading and playing with her alphabet letters on the magnetic easel, drawing, swimming, doing anything that Abi does..... she does love her big sister.  She lights up when Abi comes into the room.  When they are sleeping at different times of the day, Amanda will wait patiently but is ready to attack Abi with hugs and kisses as soon as she appears.  Abi is not usually ready for her right off the bat, so we have a bit of intercession until Abi is awake enough to take it.  While Amanda is not yet walking on her own, I think she is capable - she just doesn't realize it.  She has taken as many as 7 steps on her own, but this is the one thing that she still wants help with - a sense of security.  She is very stubborn, but oh so loving as well!  She loves parties and to be out and about.  If we are out, there is no sleeping for her.  Too many people to see, talk to and wave to!  She will run herself into the ground before she will sleep out in public.  She doesn't want to miss anything.... and rarely does :)  

Well, that is a long update on the girls.  Mark and I are doing well too!  Life is full of adventure and love.  We enjoy being with our girls, just being a family.  We look forward to having time to be together just the 4 of us.  We are constantly amazed  at how much our girls understand, pick up, do and say.  God's perfect creations soak up everything.  It is so important to really watch how we behave, what we say, how we react.... we are learning all over again how to be calm and what our actions say to the girls.  I have to admit, I am often disappointed in myself when I see how I am acting, reacting, etc., especially when I am teaching the girls to do it differently.  A constant reminder that we are all human, but we can always strive to be better.... to become more like a child.  To be like we were before we were tainted by the world we live in.  We will never fully be able to do that, but we can strive to be more like Christ.  How perfect He was even in the tainted world. 

Well, I am not sure what all I said as my brain is running on empty.  So I guess it is now time to shut down.  Be blessed and I hope to make this more regular again!


wRitErsbLock said...

I'm still popping in and checking up on you from time to time