The Jewelry Buzz

Monday, January 25, 2010


Really? It's been almost a month since I have been here? I often think so much about "blog material" during the days I guess I think I actually write them down. Darn! Lots of material now forgotten! I will seriously try to be better about it all. I know, I know. Been there, said that... but really want to try.

So.... moments. I have really been low on patience these past several weeks.... maybe even months. I used to have boat loads of patience. I don't know what it is, really. Although I have started on birth control to try to figure out what may be causing all of my discomfort since having my second c-section. That could very well be the culprit! In any case, I have noticed how quickly I just run out of patience with my sweet girls. They are so smart that I think I expect way more from them than their little 1 1/2 and 3-year-old selves can take. I am trying to make more teaching moments than discipline moments, but man is it hard. Sometime you just lose it. I raise my voice, they get upset, tears are coming from both sides and what have we gained? NOTHING! All that has happen is that we have lost a moment (or a few) that we can never get back.

Last night we were at a party to celebrate a friend who is moving back home. I was talking to the host, someone I have only met once, and we were talking about taking advantage of the moments we have with our children. He said to me, "these are times we will never get back. Cherish every moment!" He has been talking with his wife about these very same things. She is a sweet friend and a GREAT mother. She is also a stay-at-home mom right now. As I continued talking with her husband, he shared that he has a 16-year-old daughter and he thinks back to some memories with her and realizes she is now too big to have those same experiences with. However, he has those memories. He cherishes those memories and moments shared. He doesn't want to miss anything with his son and new baby girl. And he is such an encourager to really find your patience with your children, understanding first-hand how quickly time really does go by and how there is no way to get lost moments back.

Then I find out that my sweet friend (his wife) attended a seminar on "Intentional Parenting." Okay, just the name is enough to make you step back and think about what how you are raising your children, how you react to situations and what your goals are. Is it survival? Or are you in it to really teach them to love God and people? What life is really about and how to live as Christ? What are your parenting goals?

WOW! I went to celebrate a friend and in the process, God has shown me that He had additional plans in my attendance. I can say that I am MORE than excited to have a play date with this sweet friend and to hear about her 8 pages of notes from her seminar. I don't think you can ever have too much information or ideas when it comes to parenting. I am reading a book on parenting right now that I will write about when I finish and I will say that while I don't agree with everything I read (outside of the Bible), I think that anything that makes you think about the reasons why you do things and process through what really matters is worth the read. More on that later.

In any case, take some time to really consider what your goals are as a parent. How you can achieve them. And try to remember to cherish and enjoy every moment with those sweet children. It is not always easy, but I have begun praying for that very thing each morning and throughout each day. Why am I surprised by how much easier it is to take a breath and work through it when I pray? Jesus is with me and in me, and He will continue to guide me through this awesome journey and privilege. What an honor to be called to parent my two beautiful, smart, sweet girls. I really don't want to mess this up. Especially now that I am discovering what tweens and teens talk about these days. That's a story for another entry....


Larissa said...

I am thrilled that you had some words to share! Sorry to hear about the discomfort since your Csections. I guess I didn't realize that you had 2 Csections.

Intentional parenting indeed!!

You are doing the right thing by thinking all these things through. What a terrible waste to wake up one day and realize that you've missed it all! It does go by fast! I am about to have an 8 year old - and he was just a baby yesterday! NO KIDDING!

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.