The Jewelry Buzz

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yikes! A New Cry!

It's 4:50 a.m. The house was quiet, peaceful, everyone sleeping when all of a sudden....... a strange, unknown cry from the nursery! Yes, Abi started crying in a panic, a cry that she has never done before, and scared me right out of the bed (not to mention startled me out of a deep sleep)! I ran down and had to make a quick pit stop, so I talked to her from around the corner so she knew I was there. Mark had just fallen asleep before the cry, but also came to the room as he noticed the strange difference in her cry as well. He asked me if I was going to get her before he went in (we have been letting her work through most of her nighttime wake-ups - which are few these days).

"Yes," I said, "she sounds scared and I think we need to let her know we are here."

Mark went in and got her, she grabbed all of her animals and when I saw her and started talking to her she kind of looked dazed - like she was trying to figure out her surroundings. Then she came to me and after a few minutes, I just brought her to bed. I asked Mark if she was shaking when he picked her up and he said she was. Could it be possible she has started having bad dreams? After some milk and a little awake time, she went back to sleep at about 6:45 a.m. and woke up with smiles and talking up a storm at 7:23 a.m. - her usual time. So scary! She is fine though. I think mommy and daddy are okay too :) We just don't wake up quite as refreshed as Abi does when sleep is interrupted ;)

Next post will be about Abi's first snowman! I just have to download the pictures. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,
I'm thrilled to be able to keep up with things at the Johnson family! And congratulations on your Un-expect-ed news--at least unexpected to me. Hopefully, we can catch up in person soon.
