The Jewelry Buzz

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Updates and the Zoo

There are so many thoughts I'd like to share, but let's just see where this goes today.  I have not yet had caffeine, so my brain may be partially still shut down :)

Amanda is officially walking!  Last night she let go and began walking all over the house.  She did only walk between mommy and daddy but we encouraged her to go on her own last night and off she went!  Then she didn't stop until she was too tired to stand.  She only fell a couple of times, s I showed her how to get up in the middle of the floor and then she just did it!  It amazes me how quickly children pick things up.  They are so smart!

They each had their well-child check-ups as well.  Abi is still our peanut at 34 inches (10th percentile) and 24 pounds (5th percentile).  Amanda in 29 inches (50th percentile) and 18.7 pounds (5th percentile).  Both "look" healthy - ironic that they were both sick when they went to their well-child visit.  However, they are just colds.  It really does amaze me at how healthy Abi was in Chicago, even during the winters.  She NEVER got sick.  Since we have been in Florida, it seems they are sick all the time!  Maybe the heat keeps germs alive longer?  Who knows.  Abi feels that every time she coughs, it means she "really, really, really has to go to the doctor!"  She says the same thing whenever Amanda coughs.  Too funny!  Abi LOVES to go to the doctor.  She can't wait to get up ion the table and let the doctor check her ears, listen to her heart, etc.  Then once we finally got to see the doctor, over 2 hours past our appointment time (apparently walk-ins get to see the doctor before the scheduled appointments if they happen to get there before you - don't get me started), she said that Abi was due for a shot.  I had already decided I was not going to get Amanda's since she had been so sick over the weekend and my brain was not functioning since I was trying to keep 2 children happy for 2+ hours, so I turned to Abi and asked, "Do you want to get your shot today or wait?"  What kind of dumb question is that to ask a 2 1/2 year old?!?  f course she said she wanted to wait and I, being the mean mom that I am, said we would go ahead and get hers done - with the promise of ice cream when we got home.  Now to schedule Amanda's shots for another day....

We went to the zoo today and the main reason Abi wanted to go was to see lions, giraffes and to ride the merry-go-round.  That is how I got her out the door.  We got there, no lions.  Tigers though!  No giraffes - "We'll have to find giraffes another day at another zoo," I explained.  She has been so patient the whole time as I tried to figure out where I was supposed to go and how to get to different places - it is set up a bit like the IKEA in Ft. Lauderdale - big circle and can't find what you need or want.  Then just as Amanda began to totally fall apart, Abi reminds me about the merry-go-round.  I had totally forgotten!  So I ask someone I see where it is and here was the answer, "first right past the water fountains, but it is not running right now for maintenance.  It should be open soon."  UGH!!!  Abi has been such a trooper and now the MGR is not operational?  I held out hope.  Maybe if we go over, sit on a bench and get Amanda something to eat, then it will be up and running!  I mean she did make it sound like soon would be in about 10 minutes.  We went over, she cried because she wanted to go on, and then I saw the sign, "Carousel closed for the day for maintenance."  Ummm, that is not "soon" when you are walking around with 2 children!  That is a "please come back another day!"  As I was trying to calm Abi down and assure her we would come back another day to ride, I see a sign that says "must be a minimum of 42" to ride."  Seriously?!?  This is a children's ride!  Abi won't be able to ride it even when it IS operational.  I guess in hindsight, better to have it not working and know ahead of time she is not big enough for it than to see it running and try to explain that she is just not big enough to ride it.  So, not a horrible day but Abi sure didn't get the 3 things she asked for.  Lion Country Safari, here we come (on another day of course)!  I KNOW they have giraffes there!

Well, no deep thoughts today.  Just some light moments from our days :0)