The Jewelry Buzz

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To Laugh or Cry.... Maybe Both!

This is the question of the morning. Here is the play-by-play of the morning events:

Girls up at 6 am - nothing new there. Actually, I think maybe they slept in a little! Mark usually gets up with the girls, and I got up at 6:30. I made coffee, made a mental plan for the day, got out activity centers for the girls and got the morning started with crafts. At about 8, Amanda went down for a nap, so I got ready so that right after lunch we could make a trip to Michael's so that we could get some supplies to make puppets and have a puppet show. All looks like a perfect and normal morning!

Amanda wakes up, we have lunch, I get the bag together and we head to Michael's with our list! We found everything that we needed and all looks well for a quick trip to the craft store and back home in time for nap! We get the the truck, I put the key in to get the air running while I load in the kids, and this is what I hear, "click click click click......." This is NOT GOOD! I try again, almost in disbelief. I mean, this can't really be happening, right? Everything has been so perfect! I have 2 small children, it is 100 degrees outside and not a cloud in site, my husband is in back-to-back meetings at least 30 minutes or more away, my father-in-law is out, and my mother-in-law is in Jury duty today!! I call Mark on the off chance that he is actually close by, but no such luck. I go back into Michael's to ask if anyone can help jump my truck. "I have the jumper cables," I said, "but I need another car." One very sweet, young girl offered but another employee talked her out of it (right in front of me) and told me to call Pep Boys across the parking lot. NO offer of a number or phone book, so I guess they were expecting me to shout over there or walk? Across the parking lot is quite a distance - it is at the complete other side of the strip mall and you can't see it from Michael's. Did I mention that it is 100 degrees outside? I sit, with 2 VERY tired, hot little girls on a bench inside Michael's and look up Pep Boys on my iPhone. Sounds handy, but the internet is painfully slow. I finally get a number and all I get is an automated service! I have to run out of the store to wait for a human being as Amanda is beginning to scream. I can't really hear the man who finally answers, but I ask if someone can come jump my truck as I am right across the parking lot and he very rudely replied, "I don't know. You need to talk to someone in the service department" and transferred me before I could say anything else. Another man picked up and I repeated everything to him. His answer, "No, we can only help you if you bring the car to the service area. You'll have to find someone to help you." Umm, okay, well let me just go pick it up with one arm and my 2 girls in the other in the 100 degree weather and I'll be right there!!!! Seriously? I was calling YOU for help! Okay, Now come the tears. Abi is saying to me, "Oh no! How are we going to get home? We can't get home. We have to wait for daddy." I went back into the air conditioned Michael's with the girls for a few and she told everyone in there that we have to wait for daddy.
The phone rings and it is Mark. Gene is on the way! A friend and neighbor from down the street who just got into town yesterday. I looked out and there was an empty parking spot right next to the truck! Thank you, Jesus! I ran over and parked the stroller in it. Mark sent me his number and I called, told him where I was and that I had a parking spot right next to me. My instructions were to have the cables ready and everything set as he had a meeting across town in about 45 minutes. I can do that! I can pop the hood, hook up the cables and be ready! I go inside the truck, pull the lever, hear it release and go to the front and look for another lever in the grill that I know is supposed to be there. Can't find it. Go back to make sure that the hood from inside is actually released, it is, and look again. Out of desperation, I call Mark and interrupt his meeting to ask where the lever is. I still can't find it!! He told me not to worry, that Gene would know. A lady pulled in across from me and when she got out of her truck asked me if I had someone coming to help jump my truck. I told her that there was indeed someone coming and thanked her for asking. Then another nice lady stops me as I am trying again to find the lever in the grill and says, "you pop it from INSIDE the truck." In my already sarcastic, hot, frazzled head I was thinking, "No kidding!" but instead I smiled and calmly thanked her, and told her I have already done that, that there is another lever in the grill that is supposed to release the rest of it. She looked but didn't know either. So a great big shout out and thank you to the women out there! They actually care to stop and help! Unlike the TWO policemen who drove by separately, saw me standing there with the girls in the stroller and jumper cables in hand and just kept going, or the guy standing outside Michael's watching my melt down and the antics of trying to figure everything out and asked me, "ma'am, would you like to buy....." I seriously don't understand people sometimes. Anyway, I wait.

Amanda wants up, so I let her walk for a minute..... until she wants to run away in the parking lot! Back into the stroller. Yay!! I see him! "Everyone in the stroller! He is here! I am so proud of you both! You have been so patient and understanding, even in the heat! If you can sit here patiently for just a few more minutes, we will be on our way! I am SOOOO proud of you!"

Gene parks, comes to help open the hood and he can't find it either. Out of shear desperation, I grab the corner of the hood and yank it up. HA!! There is the lever! Up goes the hood and out of Gene's mouth pours, "This battery is toast. I don't know if it is going to even start." He is a very calm man, so everything he said was very calm. I, on the other hand, am NOT that calm, especially at this moment. I quickly respond with, "It is clicking, so it's not totally shot yet." Yippee!!! A glimmer of hope! As I head to the driver's seat to start the car, he tells me to wait a minute. Then he gives me the okay. Here goes!!! And....... YES! It starts! I come around the truck to thank him, and here is his response, "On the corner of Davie and ....., there is a place called International Battery. Go straight there and tell them to put in a new battery. Whatever you do, do NOT turn off the truck." Do not pass Go, do not collect $100, just go! I thanked him so very much, loaded the girls up, went through a drive-thru to get some water for everyone as we were out of drinks and it is 100 degrees outside (have I mentioned that yet?) and then came home instead. I needed to get the girls cooled off and to bed. We got home and as I was getting Abi out of the car Abi said, "That was fun with Grampa Gene!" I chuckled and said, "yes, it was!" Then we got inside I sat girls down under the ceiling fan with their reward lollipops and 1 show, and then off to bed. Ahhhhh, air conditioned home and sleeping girls.

So, while I should be planning dinner and getting everything together, I am sitting here blogging instead! I just might find a movie next. Or maybe figure out dinner :-)


Larissa said...

Wow!!! You held it together remarkably well under those circumstances! What an afternoon that was!