The Jewelry Buzz

Monday, July 19, 2010

Honest Breakdown

So, I am having one of those weeks where I am just at my wits end. I have zero patience for anything, which is really not good for the children. And Amanda's potty training is about to send my blood pressure through the roof - if it hasn't already. I find myself so short tempered with the kids and I hate that. But at the same time I just don't know what to do because I am just at a loss. I don't have any idea what I am doing and I feel like I am doing everything wrong because nothing is going right. How in the world am I supposed to teach my children about the love of Christ when I can't show it to them? When I can't control my lack of patience? When I am in a place of nothing but tears?

Both of the girls are so sweet, but man are they testing me. And I feel like they are winning. Amanda is extremely disobedient and disrespectful and I can't seem to reign her in. Abi is seeing things from Amanda and is turning from her obedient self to a less than obedient child. And Abi really struggles with being thankful and sharing. And not letting Amanda do things the way she wants. Has to be Abi's way or there is a complete meltdown. And then they both start screaming and focus on how they can get the other in trouble. I seriously don't have the energy anymore. Nothing seems to be working and all that ends up happening is that I lose my cool and end up in tears, along with everyone else.

I could seriously use some helpful advice for anyone who may still be reading this and has any thoughts. Thanks!


Larissa said...

I'd love to give you amazing words of wisdom, but I am still trying to figure it all out myself. Children go in and out of phases and stages. You will spend hours upon hours in the training room with one of your children - and come out at the end of the day just thinking that you really made progress. The next day it starts all over again - as if the previous day hadn't even happened. Or you will master one issue just to have 3 more surface the next day. So, my best advice is to never leave children to themselves - always keep a watchful eye. Look for opportunities to teach your children the way Jesus taught us. Keep a mindset of staying in the training room. It will all be worth it in the end. Even though, when we are right in the thick of it, sometimes we just don't think we will survive.