Last evening I was driving to Target to get shampoo for the girls. It was early evening, so plenty of light for humans and ducks alike. As I was driving, I saw a couple of ducks by the side of the road. I slowed down a bit not knowing where they were headed. The female duck flew up and over the street. The male was still walking. As I got closer I knew it was safe to pass by, so I kept driving. Just as I was about to pass, I saw the duck out of the corner of my eye begin to take air. PROBLEM! He flew right into the side of my truck! Took out my side mirror.

I was totally shocked!! The sound was so loud you would have thought another car had hit me. I looked over and my mirror was gone. The base there, but the glass completely gone. In shock, I called Mark immediately. He told me to turn around so we could see if there was anything we needed to pick up. When I came back around, there was nothing. No duck either. I am hopeful the duck was just stunned and able to fly away. The motor still works though! Just no mirror.
Today as I was driving, I kept trying to look in the mirror to see what was behind me. Nothing there to see. Nothing but brokenness. Emptiness. Cannot look back. This came to mind: " 16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. 17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" Genesis 19:16-17.
Don't look back. Don't look back. As this phrase ran over and over in my head, I looked forward. What did I see? I saw clearly what was ahead. Obstacles to carefully maneuver, people to watch out for, but a clear path to my destination. I felt God speak to me. "Do not look back. Remember what has brought you to this point, but don't look back and don't stop along the way. Keep your eyes looking forward. I have great things ahead, so just look ahead. Keep moving forward." And remembering what happened to Sarah, Lot's wife, when she looked back (she turned into a pillar of salt - vs. 26), I think I am excited to just keep looking forward. "Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain!" vs. 17. WOW! Don't even stop along the way. Just keep moving forward. Keep moving forward. Keep looking ahead.
I am thankful for these moments. Moments when God speaks so clearly to me. Moments when He uses something like this to speak to me. There is nothing sweeter than the soft voice of God when He speaks directly to you. Encourages you. Speaks truth and love over you. Showers words of wisdom over you. I pray you encounter at least one of these moments toady. Every day. He speaks to us all the time. Are we quiet enough and ready to listen?
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