The Jewelry Buzz

Monday, May 10, 2010

Love These Girls

Our girls crack us up! They are so very funny. And so sweet. And I am shocked sometimes about what they remember..... or say. :-)

Abi is a very thoughtful child. When we talk about people who need prayer, see cars off the road or see fire trucks go by, she is the first to talk about praying for them, always wanting to know how they are and continuing to pray for them for a very long time. Last night Abi asked about "the people in the water." She was referring to the flooding in Nashville last week. We talked about it quite a bit when it happened and she was concerned about so many people who had lost everything (no house, no furniture, no toys, no clothes....) and last night she wanted an update and to pray for them. So very sweet.

Abi is also a child of "literal translation" sometimes. Here is a funny-ism that surfaced this weekend. On Saturday, Mark took the girls to Miami. He said, "We're going to Miami!" They had a blast! They found a really fun play area on the beach, played in the sand and then had some ice cream on the way home. When I got home from my outing (yes, my wonderful husband let me go out alone! ALL DAY!) the girls could not stop talking about all they had done. Abi told me they went to "daddy's-ami" and then proceeded to talk about the beach, play area, ice cream, medical team rushing in to help someone in need...... but it was daddy's-ami. Today Abi asked, "Mommy, can you take us to your-ami one day? So FUNNY! She considers the city to be "Ami" I guess!

And then there is Amanda. She is a pistol! But boy is she funny. And I found out yesterday she can carry a tune! We were driving to church and one of the worship songs from a CD they have was playing. I heard a melody coming from the back seat and found out that Amanda was singing the whole chorus in tune, complete with great diction. I was shocked! She is not always spot-on, she is only 2. But yesterday she was singing in perfect tune and you could totally understand everything she was saying. AMAZING!

Mother's Day was such a wonderful reminder of how blessed we are. What a joy to be their mom! What an honor. We are blessed.