The Jewelry Buzz

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mom Bloggers

Have you noticed how many mom bloggers are out there today? Many different takes on things, different ideas on what their blog should be or represent, reviews, laughs, family, trials .... you name it, it's out there. And this is what people are reading today! Not just women, but men too. What draws people to the sites of mom bloggers? Why do so many people want to follow the thoughts and happenings of moms?

Here is my take on it. All moms, whether stay-at-home or working, have a different perspective on life. Even different from the perspective they had before becoming a mom. Why? Children! Children forever change the way you look at and handle anything and everything. Life becomes a jumbled heap of dirty laundry, complete with about ten new job descriptions to uphold, and it is now our job to figure out how to juggle it all.... or not. To leave a mess on the floor in order to create a memory. To forget about the dishes in the sink in order to laugh. To realize that the "perfection" you maintained before is no longer a reality. In the midst of all of the adjustment, we have come to realize a new perfection. One that includes being covered in food or other things, being able to laugh in the midst of the storm, learning how to juggle more things than you ever imagined you could. Learning how to write blog posts like this while being asked a zillion questions by your husband and 2 children and intercepting before fights start between the kids! Yes, that is what I am doing right now. The glamorous life of a mom is now the hottest topic on the block!

What else do moms bring to the table? Too much to reference! Here are a just a few thoughts: Moms are some of the most creative and successful entrepreneurs. We have some of the best product ideas, become more creative in terms of how to make and save money, develop increased business knowledge and skills.... all due to busy schedules, the need to make things easier, ability to multitask and handle so much all at once and 24/7, first-hand experience on what kinds of things are needed and wanted. Thus comes the mom motivation. We understand first-hand how much it costs (financially and emotionally) to raise children and it creates motivation to be creative! Creative shopping and selling, playing the coupon game, creating charts, menus, sewing, crafting, etc. and blogging about it! Selling it! Utilizing the talents we have been given to generate income, fulfill needs and add another thing to our already full plates. Living life and blogging about it.

So kudos to all the mom bloggers out there. We have the perspective on life that everyone longs to know, understand and live. Okay, maybe they don't all want to live it but let's face it. Everyone is entertained and intrigued by the life of a mom. As well they should. It is by far the hardest job on the planet, yet THE most rewarding. If everyone can "experience" and begin to understand how someone who is pulled in so many directions and juggles so many different hats can still laugh in the midst of the dirty diapers, mountains of laundry, secretions of all kinds on their clothing, unending dishes, days full of whine and overall feeling of a shlump-a-dump, then maybe we would all experience less stress, take time to breathe, enjoy each moment, feel more free and understand that everything is a season. Enjoy where you are. There is purpose, even in the worst of it all. Even when you can't see a light in the midst of all the darkness. There is a way out. Learn to love where you are, the season that you are in and love who you are becoming in the process. OH! And the most important part .... REMEMBER TO LAUGH! It does a person good.


Larissa said...

Yes, it does a person good to laugh. I could use some laughs right now!!
We definitely go in and out of seasons - good ones, bad ones, hard ones, less hard ones. . .
and the list goes on!