The Jewelry Buzz

Friday, April 30, 2010


Okay. So a few blogs ago I was have a woe-is-me kind of day and processing why I cannot lose these last 15 pounds from babies. Here is my BIG revelation. I AM LAZY! Yes, that is the extent of it. My dramatization over it all was more energy than what I put into working out and making a plan to lose the weight. Plus, I am older than I was 10 years ago. I know, hard to believe that I am older now, but I am. The body changes! Metabolism changes. Everything changes and unless I put forth the energy to adjust, I need to just be happy with and embrace these last 15 pounds. Since I am not willing to embrace them, I am getting active and working it out. Thank goodness it is pool season! So much more enjoyable to be exercising in the pool and teaching the girls to swim at the same time.

So that's it. Nothing deep today. Just the sad realization that I am lazy. At least when it comes to this :-) Happy times!