Okay, so today I was starving and didn't know what to fix for lunch. I really wanted pizza, but I am out of one flour I need to make the dough (have to make it gluten-free) and let's face it.... it would just take too long to make the dough, bake the crust, put together the pizza and finish baking it. So I went scrounging around. SCORE! Here is what I found:
The end of my gluten-free loaf of bread (enough for a couple of slices)
Left-over spinach pesto from the pasta I made last night (thick enough to spread - YUM!)
Some cheese that had already been grated
So I decide to make a pizza-like lunch! I smeared some of the yummy spinach pesto over the lightly toasted slices of bread and topped with cheese. Put it back in the toaster over for about 7 minutes on 375 and then on broil for about a minute (or less) just to make the top brown. Oh my gravy. SOOO YUMMY!!!! I will be doing this again. A LOT!
Here is my spinach pesto "recipe" - (in quotes because I don't ever have measurements):
1 package frozen spinach, thawed
2 cloves (more or less) minced garlic - more if you like the garlic flavor
Fresh grated Parmesan cheese (maybe 1/3- 1/2 cup?)
A couple of tablespoons dried basil
Olive Oil (to consistency and taste) - at least 1/3 cup
Lemon juice (Oh, I don't know - maybe a tablespoon or so?)
And I do everything "to taste". Take a taste and if it needs something, smell some other ingredients while you have the flavor in your mouth. You will be able to "taste" all of them together through the smelling and will know if that is what you want or not. You could also put in pinenuts, almonds, walnuts..... Experiment and make it yours! You will love the outcome when you land a dish that is yummy and all your own.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Yummy Lunch!
Posted by Carrie at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Kids and Meals
I have had the hardest time getting my sweet girls to actually sit through a meal at the table. They are all over the place! It is becoming a battle we dread every night. And we really love dinner time because we are finally all together and can talk about our day. Here are some things we have tried:
1) Sit or time-out. This doesn't work :-)
2) Sit or no dessert. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Especially since they are smart enough to know that we don't always have dessert (actually don't most nights).
3) Separate their chairs - also to minimize the fighting. This worked for about a night or two.
4) Removal of plate with the assumption that they are finished since they are not at their seat. This has probably been the most effective for bringing them back to the table, but I want to keep them from actually leaving.
One things that someone suggested that I have not yet tried - a reward for staying in their seat the whole time (sticker, dessert, etc.). I think this is what I will try next.
Now I am fairly certain that this goes along with the age of the girls (2 and almost 4), but I am also fairly certain that there is a way to actually keep them at the table. I just haven't figured it out yet. Neither one of them can sit still for more than about 5, MAYBE 10, seconds, so I am on a mission to figure out how to calm them enough to be able to have some sort of attention span. Otherwise school will be near impossible.
Calling all moms! What has worked for you?
Posted by Carrie at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Gluten-Free, Where to Start
For many, the need to go gluten free is a medical issue. Doctors have confirmed a gluten sensitivity, allergy or otherwise. in this case, the need to go through cabinets, read labels and purge anything and everything that has a hint of gluten in it is a must. Anything with flour (unless it is pure rice flour, corn flour, potato flour or soy flour) , modified food starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable protein, malt r malt flavoring, vegetable gum, soy sauce or soy sauce solids.... YIKES! This can seem like a very daunting task - all of this "stuff" is in everything we currently know to be "every-day foods". For the need to go cold turkey because of diagnosed medical reasons, my suggestion would be to go straight to the produce department or farmer's market and start there. Eat everything fresh to retrain your brain, pallet and give you time to regroup mentally. Let's face it. This is where we should all be shopping anyway. Anything processed or pre-made typically has too many unpronounceable ingredients anyway. Then you can slowly move into replacing traditional pastas with brown rice pastas (which are actually very tasty), eat more rice-inspired dishes and begin making your own breads and baked goods. I have a really good gluten-free bread recipe posted here on my site. Look at the items you CAN have, not the "can't" list. You will quickly see how much you really can eat on a gluten-free diet. Just make sure to read ALL labels, even those items that claim to be gluten free. They are not always 100% gluten free, but enough to claim the status.
Posted by Carrie at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
Gluten-Free Multigrain Sandwich Bread
3 1/2 Tbsp Canola oil
1/2 Cup Sorghum Flour
1/3 Cup Teff Flour *
1/2 Cup Cornstarch
1/2 Cup Potato Starch
1/2 Cup Tapioca Flour
2 1/4 tsp Xanthan Gum
3/4 tsp Salt
1 3/4 tsp Unflavored Gelatin
2 1/2 Tbsp Granulated Sugar
1 packet Dry Active Yeast (2 1/4 tsp)
4 Tbsp Flax Seeds
* - if you don't have Teff Flour, just use 1 cup of the Millet Flour. I like the Teff as it adds a richer taste, reminiscent of whole wheat bread.
Posted by Carrie at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ok. I have been back and forth between do I homeschool, do I send the girls to preschool, can I actually homeschool ..... I found a preschool that I liked enough to visit. I visited with the girls and we all loved it. Small classes, Christian curriculum, sweet director and they will even take Amanda who is technically not quite old enough. Sounds great and perfect, right? Well.... when did it become so expensive to send children to school? The up-side is that I would be able to work part-time since I would have mornings free, but the down-side is that I would need to have a job in order to pay the fees. It is a catch-22.
Posted by Carrie at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Gluten-Free Dinner
Posted by Carrie at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Quiet Times and Time-Outs
I know it has been a while..... again. I have had lots of thoughts for blog posts and I am sure many of them will happen, but I have been trying to focus my time on how to better manage my time and the girls. I felt like I was yelling or disciplining ALL the time and had no time for fun with the girls. And because of that I have been a wreck. Now I don't yell all the time, I do not like to yell at my children. But let's face it, there are days when n one is listening and you feel like you are yelling to be heard all day long.
Posted by Carrie at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Honest Breakdown
So, I am having one of those weeks where I am just at my wits end. I have zero patience for anything, which is really not good for the children. And Amanda's potty training is about to send my blood pressure through the roof - if it hasn't already. I find myself so short tempered with the kids and I hate that. But at the same time I just don't know what to do because I am just at a loss. I don't have any idea what I am doing and I feel like I am doing everything wrong because nothing is going right. How in the world am I supposed to teach my children about the love of Christ when I can't show it to them? When I can't control my lack of patience? When I am in a place of nothing but tears?
Posted by Carrie at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Well, it's been a while! Although not as long as I had thought. I forgot I wrote about the 4th of July. Yay! So, here is it is. The reason I have not written. Well, I have been deep into Gluten-Free research. YEP! I am trying us out on a Gluten-Free diet. There is Gluten sensitivity in my family and Mark is experiencing some joint discomfort so I began to research natural remedies both for the joints and for my digestive issues. After a week of researching every free moment I had, everything linked back to Gluten. So, that is where I started. The girls do eat some Gluten foods, but I will slowly move them away from it too. Mark and I have just completely removed it from our diet so the girls eat Gluten-Free meals, but their snacks still have some.
Posted by Carrie at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fourth of July
Well, we made it! We ventured out late to see the fireworks. Anticipated rain and all. Abi took a 2 1/2 hour nap so that she would be ready to go out. We knew at that moment that rain or not, we were going to have to venture out somewhere and find some fireworks. We decided to head to the beach. So we scarfed down dinner, packed up and went on a hunt for parking by the beach.
Posted by Carrie at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Potty Training, Round 2
I think the title says it all. We started potty training Amanda this week. I was hesitant and dragging my feet because I didn't know what to expect. You see, Abi was SOOOO easy! However, the time was now and off we went. Area rugs covered, potty out, diaper off. OK! I can do this!!!!
Posted by Carrie at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Photo Contest
Hi there! I know it has been quite a while. A lot has happened! In a nutshell, I made a lsat minute trip to Jacksonville to see my grandfather before he went home to Jesus. I will post on that once I get my head around it all. Still processing. After getting back from that trip (and nursing my girls back to health) we had a week of KIDZ Camp (aka VBS) and I think we are still recovering from that! but it was SOOOO fun! Abi LOVES to be on stage! Amanda loves to sing and dance, but once you put her on stage she just stands and takes it all in. they are both so cute!
Posted by Carrie at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
No Better Feeling
As I have been purposeful about taking time for myself with the Lord these past few weeks, what a difference in everything. I find I am able to draw more patience when dealing with the lack of controlled emotions of my sweet children, automatic turn to prayer when something happens or I feel my blood pressure rising, passion for people, the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout my every day experiences. But my prayers. THIS is what I have so missed. Complete loss of self, fully focused on the Lord and FEELING His presence in me. Feeling the rest and comfort all the way from my head down to my toes. Literally. I actually feel it travel from my heart all the way through my toes. And I then get lost in His presence and prayer. There truly is no better feeling. to truly lose yourself in the Spirit.
Posted by Carrie at 6:53 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What's the Big Idea!?!
Amanda has a new love of Donald Duck. She likes to walk around and just say, "Donald says, 'What's the big idea?!'" As you know from the last post, she is also now in a big girl bed. She is able to get out of bed when she is finished with her nap... when she actually remembers that she can.
Posted by Carrie at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Big Girl Bed
Posted by Carrie at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
God's Voice, Oh So Sweet
Last evening I was driving to Target to get shampoo for the girls. It was early evening, so plenty of light for humans and ducks alike. As I was driving, I saw a couple of ducks by the side of the road. I slowed down a bit not knowing where they were headed. The female duck flew up and over the street. The male was still walking. As I got closer I knew it was safe to pass by, so I kept driving. Just as I was about to pass, I saw the duck out of the corner of my eye begin to take air. PROBLEM! He flew right into the side of my truck! Took out my side mirror.
Posted by Carrie at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Fantastic Weekend!
Posted by Carrie at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Hot Dogs..... Or Not
Posted by Carrie at 7:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HmrNjHTOgo4/S-9CO0NCkbI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/AaNel3gElBQ/s200/DSC01834.JPG
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Calm After the Storm
Today was truly the calm after the storm. The girls were in rare form yesterday and challenged every last nerve, bit of patience and indoor voice I had in me. By about 10 am, Amanda had already had 5 time outs. Abi 3 and no one was in a good mood anymore. Everyone was grumpy, especially mommy, all patience was gone and the girls could not be in the same room without fighting about something. This made grocery shopping oh so much fun! Yes, we had 4 errands to run and I did them anyway.
Posted by Carrie at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Love These Girls
Our girls crack us up! They are so very funny. And so sweet. And I am shocked sometimes about what they remember..... or say. :-)
Posted by Carrie at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
Heavy Heart
Wow. I just finished my daily study for the Believing God study and I am both excited and energized and heavy hearted. I just want everyone I know to participate in this study! It is so relevant for everyone today, so encouraging and with so much going on in the world today (floods in Nashville, health issues with family and friends, relationship challenges, etc.) it is just a great way to refocus and hone in on who God is, what he says he can do and learning to believe that he will follow through on those promises for those who have faith and truly believe!!!! You will be seeing more posts about this topic and study. I am just so moved already and I have already started!
Posted by Carrie at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Abi has really started to pray some very sweet prayers and understand that she can talk to God whenever she wants to and ask Him for help. She is having a VERY hard time obeying right now - just testing all kinds of boundaries mixed with being independent. We have been talking a lot about prayer. We have also been talking about how it is not just mommy that says she needs to obey. God tells us in the Bible that we need to obey our parents (Ephesians 6:1). This morning she did something I specifically asked her not to do. I immediately sent her to her room for a time out. When the timer went off I went in to talk to her. Here is how the conversation went:
Posted by Carrie at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Day
Posted by Carrie at 7:06 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
Okay. So a few blogs ago I was have a woe-is-me kind of day and processing why I cannot lose these last 15 pounds from babies. Here is my BIG revelation. I AM LAZY! Yes, that is the extent of it. My dramatization over it all was more energy than what I put into working out and making a plan to lose the weight. Plus, I am older than I was 10 years ago. I know, hard to believe that I am older now, but I am. The body changes! Metabolism changes. Everything changes and unless I put forth the energy to adjust, I need to just be happy with and embrace these last 15 pounds. Since I am not willing to embrace them, I am getting active and working it out. Thank goodness it is pool season! So much more enjoyable to be exercising in the pool and teaching the girls to swim at the same time.
Posted by Carrie at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Life's Reminders
I am mildly amused at how sweet the girls can be one minute and then turn into complete terrors the next. Right now they are in the pool (in their clothes), fishing for gooey fish. They each have a little fishing pole and they are dropping the sinking fish onto the steps and fishing them out. They have the sweetest conversations and then, out of nowhere, Amanda starts screaming, locking her knees, face turning red and you cannot understand a thing she is saying. Abi is trying to "explain" something. Ummmm, that's not working. Then, out of nowhere, everything is fine and they are laughing. Happens all day long! I wish I had a monitor in every room so that I could hear their sweet conversations while they are playing together.... and then to also hear who actually starts each fight.
Posted by Carrie at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Birthday Girl!
Posted by Carrie at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What a Fun Week!
We have had family in town this week and we have had so much fun! Lots of cousins, playing the the cold pool (the kids, not me), watching the girls reach complete exhaustion and then go some more.... they were so great! Very few melt downs and only today showing signs of seriously needing rest. And now they are resting. So thankful.
Posted by Carrie at 2:18 PM 2 comments